Learn How To Be A Better Lover In 18 Ways

How to be a better lover

A relationship is about love, compassion, honesty and a deep connection. To maintain that connection and a healthy bond between you and your partner, you should learn how to be a better lover.

Because learning how to be a better lover will help you to balance the ups and downs you and your partner will face throughout the Stages Of A Relationship.

Therefore, here Babusona team whose mission is to help couples build better, stronger & longer relationships have covered 18 Tips & Advice to help you become a better lover.

Learn How To Be A Better Lover In 18 Ways

Table of Contents

A loving and healthy relationship requires much effort and so a lover needs to do several things to make their partner happy and feel loved. Let’s see what you should do to be a better lover.

1.) Be Patience & Treat Your Partner With Kindness

Nowadays we all have become very impatient. We get angry quickly & we don’t tolerate delays too. Therefore, it is important for you to be patient and kind to your partner. Let’s say you are a punctual person but Punctuality isn’t a cup of tea for everyone. So, try to learn to be kind and patient.

For example, you and your partner have decided to meet somewhere, but due to some reason, they reached a bit late. 

Now, in this situation a person having no patience will react immediately in anger but, a person who wants to learn how to be a better lover will be kind, they will accept that such delays are acceptable and there’s nothing to react violently or aggressively.

2.) Be Grateful & Express Gratefulness To Your Partner

Tip number 2 on how to be a better lover is ideal for those couples who are married or in a live-in relationship. However, anyone can apply the second tip which is to be grateful & express gratefulness to your partner. 

Meaning anyone who is in a long term relationship, they don’t value the existence of their partner, nor do they value the daily efforts made by them. 

But, good lover always shows their gratitude, they express it through their sweet and kind-hearted words or by giving some surprise gifts.

Remember the matter of that little thing, so next time if your partner does something for you then appreciate and be thankful for that.

For example, you and your partner have decided to meet somewhere, but due to some reason, they reached a bit late. 

Now, in this situation a person having no patience will react immediately in anger but, a person who wants to learn how to be a better lover will be kind, they will accept that such delays are acceptable and there’s nothing to react violently or aggressively.

3.) Focus On Your Personal Growth

A great saying that most couples must have heard is “Love can’t feed you” and we can’t deny this too. 

Because apart from the love we need food, water, and many daily essential products to survive in this world. To fulfil this requirement we need money. 

Personal growth and work towards passion are required to earn that money. 

Hence, in order to be a better lover in a relationship, you have to focus on your personal growth, career, hobby or any passion.

Being focused on your personal growth doesn’t only help you to be a better lover but help you love yourself. It boosts your self-confidence.

4.) Be A Good Listener

Have you ever heard the term unheard in a relationship? It is a term often used by a person who finds themself undervalued, unhappy and unimportant in a relationship. 

So, to be a good lover, you have to be a good listener – not just one who listens to words, but one who listens to the hidden words too. In other words, you have to be an active listener to learn how to be a better lover.

5.) Be Humble & Forgiving

Being kind, humble and forgiving doesn’t cost you money but it can make you a better lover. In a relationship, where one person’s temper can hurt you and make you feel angry, and aggressive by hurting your egos, you being a loving partner will respond humbly. 

And when it comes to forgiving then you have to start with understanding the point of view of your partner first then you are advised to respond.

6.) Move On From The Past

Don’t hold your past because you will affect your current relationship as long as you hold it. So, move on from the past and try to make efforts in an ongoing relationship.

And when it comes to forgiving then you have to start with understanding the point of view of your partner first then you are advised to respond.

7.) Practice True Love

Practicing true love helps you build a stronger bond with your partner. While doing so, you can’t fake the love instead, you turn into a reader who reads the love language of their partner and does the needy things to make them feel special and loved.

In order to learn how to be a better lover, understand the true meaning of love and then apply them in your love life. Doing so will definitely help you become a better lover.

8.) Change Your Bedroom Routine

The same bedroom routine & monotony phases are natural in a relationship, a great lover will always use their creativity to level up things, they bring joy and fun inside the bedroom routine.

Just playing soft and soothing music, bringing some scented candles, and a few fresh and beautiful flowers can help a lover to make some changes in their bedroom routine.

9.) Slow Down And Enjoy The Process

Don’t rush if you want to be a better lover inside the bedroom. Instead, enjoy the process, be slow & feel every single move that you make on your partner’s body. 

Whether it is foreplay or sex enjoy every single moment. Look at your partner’s eyes, and feel the presence, and aroma of your partner. 

Make yourself calm and indulge in the romantic and intimate process.

10.) Be Creative In Bed & Try New Positions

In the past, several types of research have been conducted that showed women in long-term relationships lose their interest in sex as time passes. 

Thus, if you want to keep alive the spark inside the bedroom, you should be creative in bed and should try new positions

Once, you do so, you will feel the connection and happiness on your partner’s face. And eventually, you wouldn’t have to ask anyone “how to be a better lover”.

11.) Explore Each Other’s Erogenous Zones

Physical touch is a love language that a good lover should know but touches are not limited to showing emotional love, it’s more than that. 

Exploring each other’s erogenous zones is also a part of physical touches that help partners to excite sexual feelings.

Doing this can bring more excitement during intimacy which eventually helps a person to be more engaged in physical activity and show love.

12.) Bring New Elements To Surprise Your Partner

Just bringing repeated gifts randomly doesn’t make you a better lover, you should bring new elements to surprise your partner. 

To do so, you can start to flirt again, dress to impress your partner, wear your partner’s favourite perfume and do much more things which can help you, to bring new elements into your love life so that your partner can tell you a great lover.

13.) Be Funny & Make Your Partner Laugh

Women have different needs than men but when it’s about fun and laughter both enjoy it. So, being funny and making your partner laugh can help you to be a better lover. 

However, note that you don’t have to push yourself to be funny and make your partner laugh if you’re not naturally funny. But having a sense of humour is quality women want in a man and vice versa.

14.) Be Honest, Trustworthy & Confront Things And Act

Honesty & loyalty is a key factor that can affect your process to being a better lover. No matter what it is, always be honest, and build relationship trust by confronting things and acts you are doing or have done before.

15.) Work On Yourself To Be An Attractive Person

First of all, accept that you are already an attractive person that’s why your partner has chosen to live with you. However, it is important to maintain good hygiene, wear decent clothes, be physically fit and eat healthy. 

Doing so will help you pamper yourself and as a result, your partner will consider you to be a pampering person too and will pamper your partner as well.

16.) Be Enthusiastic For Real Connection

Showing enthusiasm in building real connections automatically makes you a better lover as you engage in sharing your thoughts, feelings, and dreams.

17.) Lose Your Insecurities

Losing your insecurities not only makes you a better lover but helps you to be confident and bold to make your partner feel loved and happy. 

In order to be a better lover try to deal with your insecurities. Because many people feel shame about their own physical appearance & abilities which make them self-conscious in bed too.

18.) Push Your Boundaries

Pushing your boundaries helps you to explore lots of hidden treasures within you, which helps you to be a romantic person

To be a better lover, you can try to leave your comfort zone and do the things for your partner, they haven’t experienced but have shared about.