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15 Clingy Girlfriend Signs

Clingy Girlfriend, Clingy Girlfriend Signs, clingy girlfriend meaning, Possessive girlfriend, Clingy GF.

Do you know the meaning of clinginess? It means being overly dependent on someone, demanding attention, and becoming jealous or possessive.

Being a girl, if you think you are the one who is very attention-demanding, possessive, and very dependent on your boyfriend, you must know the Clingy Girlfriend Signs.

Note:- Consider an alarming situation if you find 6 signs out of 15 Signs of Clingy girlfriend.

We all know everything looks great under the limit or boundaries. But, when a relationship begins, things start to change. A couple goes through many stages of a relationship. During such a period, many turn into clingy people.

Being a clingy girlfriend, you may start reacting a lot. You may seize your boyfriend’s space or independence.

However, from your point of view (POV), you are still very loving and caring to your boyfriend. But crossing the limits of care and love indicates you are becoming a clingy girlfriend.

Therefore, here we have covered 15 clingy girlfriend signs to help you take the possible actions to avoid being one.

Table of Contents

Why Do Girls Become Clingy Girlfriends?

There could be many reasons for a girl to become a clingy girlfriend. Maybe she had bad past experiences or not getting enough support, care and love from their friends and family.

In some cases, girls show clingy girlfriend signs due to higher excitement. Also, bad experiences could be due to heartbreak or not having enough support from her family. 

Therefore, she starts showing signs of a clingy girlfriend.

If a girl fears getting cheated on by their partner, then she will start being very possessive and sticky.

15 Clingy Girlfriend Signs

Do you have a fear of losing your boyfriend and ruining your relationship? Or You may have observed some signs in you that make you feel whether you are a clingy girlfriend or not?

Don’t worry! Here at Babusona, we will help you clear your doubts by helping you know the signs of a clingy girlfriend.

1.) You Don’t Give Your Boyfriend His Space

Your desire to become an inseparable person in his life is turning you into a desperate person. You always want to roam around his life and you wouldn’t allow him his personal space. Due to this, you keep asking him about everything very frequently.

You always want to keep him thinking about you. You have to understand that a man loves his partner a lot if his significant other understands him and allows him his space.

2.) You Want to Have All Day Conversation With Him

Holding hands with each other, sitting together, sharing lots of personal stories and talking for hours are the parts of a relationship. But you have to understand that these things are for a short period especially if you entered into a new relationship or you have met your partner after a long time. 

Although, as we know everything is temporary, the lovely and romantic moments that you have spent earlier with your significant other are also temporary. 

Once the days you have spent together finish, things start to get back to normal. After that, if you try to call him for the whole day or night and ask him to be on the voice call or video call, then it shows how clingy you are.

3.) You Are Adopting His Life And Hobbies

Knowing about the boyfriend’s life, interests and hobbies is a good sign of a caring and loving girlfriend. But when you start adopting all his habits, hobbies and his entire life, within you to just be with him, then it’s a sign of a clingy girlfriend.

When you start doing this like this, your boyfriend might start thinking about how to deal with his clingy girlfriend? You have to know that even after coming into a relationship you both have separate life, interests and hobbies.

4.) You Are Extremely Dependent on Him

Asking for advice from your boyfriend is normal. But when you start calling him or asking him for even all the minor issues of your life to fix, then it shows how extremely dependent you are on your boyfriend.

5.) You Want to Have Undivided Attention

Your desire to have undivided attention on you from your boyfriend is a sign of a possessive girlfriend. You want him to have your thoughts in his mind just like you have his.

Maybe in the initial days of your relationship, it appears cute to your boyfriend but it is not going to be longer. Doing it constantly will make your BF feel irritated.

6.) You're Insecure 

Your insecure feelings are one of the clingy girlfriend’s signs that are very common and normal at the same moment. Your feeling of insecurity could be due to not seeing any potential efforts of your boyfriend in your relationship, or maybe you feel your partner is not serious about this relationship. 

Though, this is a very obvious and common insecure feeling after being in a relationship. But finding constant validation from your partner for the seriousness of your relationship is making you a clingy girlfriend.

It is because you will always be sticky to him to get that validation vibe to feel secure in your love connection.

7.) You Want To Be Top In His List

Your desire to become his first priority is a sign of clingy behaviour. Having a feeling that your partner has some other priority rather than you is making you feel your relationship is in danger.

You start to push yourself to become his first priority as soon as possible. Because you want to be in the top position of his list, you start acting very differently.

Your desire can make your boyfriend feel irritated. He may start feeling a burden and be stuck with you. You should understand that your partner may have other things to do. There are more people in his life including you and it’s his responsibility to make his life balance and give them equal time.

8.) Having Thought of He is Too Good for You

Have you ever thought he is too good for you? Well, this is a sign of low self-confidence. Having low self-confidence will give you a more insecure feeling rather than being happy with him. 

Having that feeling will always make you doubt yourself and you will try to do things in a clingy manner to make the relationship work.

It is important to know at this point that your relationship will be more successful and happy as you will start doing things naturally, instead of being very hard to make it work.

9.) Being Always Available for Him

Many will be confused about this, but being available all the time for your boyfriend is one of the signs of a clingy girlfriend. Keep in mind that a relationship is incomplete without the efforts of both partners.

10.) You Become a Stalker To His Social Media Accounts

Stalking his social media accounts to know where his friends and people he knows to stand in his life is making you a stalker.

You may be thinking that the thing you are doing is not bad. Because you love him and you have the right to know all the people who are in his life. You are absolutely correct but the way you are doing it is wrong.

If someone is important to his life then he will definitely introduce you to them. You have to be patient. Why do you think he should tell you about all those hundreds and thousands of his Facebook friends? Even he doesn’t know all of them.

11.) You Make False Assumptions

Clingy girlfriends often make false assumptions such as thinking of a boyfriend with another girl, blaming him for not calling you for 1 hour because he is not loving you, and overthinking about some dream you have seen earlier, etc.

The moment your partner will be far from you, it will make you think of random things that don’t make sense or exist. 

Doing this is very common for the person who feels insecure, jealous, and has trust issues.

Making false assumptions about any event that doesn’t exist will make you overthink and because of that your mood could have drastic changes and you will start doing things inappropriately. That could be one of the clingy girlfriend signs or hints.

12.) You Become Controlling

From controlling your boyfriend’s actions to desires and tastes make you a controlling girlfriend. This doesn’t make you a controlling girlfriend only but a clingy girlfriend too. Showing authority to your man is an acceptable thing. But what if it becomes a controlling thing? You do this, Just because you want to feel secure and stable in your life.

When you become controlling your man will not feel good. And I don’t think you will feel good too if someone will try to control your actions, mood, desires, taste, etc. 

If you can’t enjoy that limitless authority over yourself or someone else’s on you, then why do you think he should? If you don’t want to make your man search for how to get rid of a clingy girlfriend? Then stop doing this right now.

13.) You Bring Problems in Relationship Every Time

Just because you want to be with him, you start bringing problems into the relationship so that he can spend time with you to solve those issues. 

It may feel good to you to think that at least the situation was not pleasurable, but you both were together. But, having this thought really has a bad impact on the relationship. 

He may try to find out ways to keep himself away from you. Maybe the communication between both will be lesser day by day. And eventually, you both will end your love relationship.

Don’t make this mistake if you want to be with your partner. Doing this gives the opposite impact on your love partner and makes you a clingy girlfriend.

14.) You Want To Meet His Parents Very Early

Even though you are in a very early stage of a relationship you have the urge to meet your boyfriend’s parents. It may be because you want to feel secure or want to know more about your partner. 

But constantly forcing your partner to allow you to meet his parents are nothing but the clingy girlfriend signs. You must give him some time to think about this relationship. 

Maybe he is not ready for this, because meeting parents for this purpose is a big decision. Instead of that, at this time, both of you should spend quality time to know each other better and plan things for your future. 

Once everything will be fine and he will make a further decision regarding this relationship, he will definitely introduce you to his parents.

15.) You Feel Insecure About The People In Their Life

Feeling insecure with the people your S.O interacts with every day is a sign of clinginess. We all meet many people every day. They may be co-workers, childhood best friends, or no matter who it is, feeling insecure about such people is nothing but clinginess. 

You may be feeling the threat of those people, but you need to build relationship trust so that you can trust your partner more and stop being a clingy partner.

How To Stop Being A Clingy Girlfriend?

To stop being a clingy girlfriend, you are required to make little changes in you day-by-day; such as:

1. By Believing in yourself

Have some self-esteem and work on the areas where you think you lack. Though, There is no need to change a lot to just fit in someone’s life.

2. Realising your efforts and importance in your life

Respect yourself and make equal efforts to keep the desire for both of you in the relationship.

3. Stopping Being available all the time

Don’t try to be available for him all the time, let him do the things as well. Apart from helping you avoid being a clingy girlfriend, it will help you save lots of time to focus on your dream and desires.

4. Avoiding feeling insecure

It’s easy to say, but hard to accept. Once you win over it your life will be amazing.

5. Finding happiness within

You should never completely rely on someone else to be happy in your life. Being in a relationship is good, but relying completely on someone is bad.

If you have ever observed any sign that makes you feel clingy. Or if your partner has ever called you a clingy girlfriend then look for the above given clingy girlfriend signs and make your efforts to stop being clingy in a relationship.

How Does It Feel to Be in a Clingy Relationship?

Being in a clingy relationship feels suffocating, emotionally draining, unpleasant and uncomfortable. It makes your partner feel: unable to focus on their needs and goals.

Your partner will try to find out ways to avoid you so that he can feel the freedom you have taken.

In some cases, clingy behavior may make your partner feel guilty for your clingy behavior, and the situation becomes worse.